Let me break this down for you. First of all, where's your evidence that the anti-STD backlash is as you claim "a sinister plot by dastardly and subversive Star Wars fans to disrupt Star Trek fan unity and turn Trekkers against one another"? SRSOS, your evidence as far as I know is very crummy and virtually non-existent. Though some rabid Warsies hate Star Trek and Trekkies, STD is still a much greater threat to Star Trek than Star Wars ever could be in anyone's wildest dreams or worst nightmares. You clearly don't understand the extent to which STD ruins Star Trek and ignorant of how your Poo-Poo Drek lifted ideas from an indie point and click adventure game. Remember this well, Seth MacFarlane specifically created The Orville to combat the pernicious current direction Star Trek has been taken in since 2009, not to hate on Star Wars so please get with the program. Speaking of The Orville, here's what anti-Star Wars Drekkie SRSOS really, really needs very badly to treat his STDing conspiracy theory:
I just had to bring this oddball tinfoil hat conspiracy Drekkie and his anti-Star Wars YouTube comment to my readers' attention.
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